Apr 21, 2022 Interviews with Entrepreneurs Making Japanese fusion engineering technology an "industry". Global energy transformation driven by startups from Kyoto University energy Industry/Academia/Life Science Apr 7, 2022 Interviews with Entrepreneurs I want to eliminate the waste of corporate sales. We will increase the productivity of the world by increasing customer contact points in a significantly shorter time until the first business negotiation. SaaS sales tech Feb 17, 2022 Interviews with Entrepreneurs To become a "financial services tech" company that solves lifelong money worries. What is the management decision in the corona that divided the fate? financial services tech media Jan 20, 2022 Interviews with Entrepreneurs To the infrastructure that is indispensable for a super-aging society. Creating social security with a "smart family trust" Fintech Dec 2, 2021 Interviews with Entrepreneurs Brain health care becomes a commonplace society. I want to solve the world's aging issues with technology originating in Japan AI Bio Health care PREV 3 4 5 6 7 NEXT